Sunday 5 May 2013


The first shoots have appeared.  I'm pretty sure that they're spinach, since they're growing in the bit of the lottie where I planted spinach seeds; although they could be weeds - but since they're the only signs of life, then it seems likely that the spinach is growing just exactly where we planted it.  Just like that.  They're growing.  Magic.  It truly is.

Mind you, that's the only thing that's growing.  The same time that we planted spinach, we also planted potatoes, carrots, onions and broccoli.  Either we planted them incorrectly, too early or they ain't gonna grow - the magic won't happen.  We'll see.

The beans, however, are growing - at home, in one of those small plastic greenhouses.  The beans were popped into potting compost and a couple of weeks later little green points nudged through the soil and then grew at quite a rate until they were about 3 inches or so.  These have now been transplanted to their spot alongside canes on the allotment, and we'll see what happens.

I'm itching to put in sweetcorn (I have a modest ambition; which is to eat sweetcorn just picked, as I'm told it's worlds away from the shop-bought stuff) and courgettes, but I have a sneaking feeling that the last frost and the cold weather isn't over yet, so I'm holding off.  Being a generally impatient person, it's difficult at times not to bung everything in straight away in the hopes of seeing immediate abundance.  But I've learnt enough over the past 51 years to realise that rushing things doesn't always pays dividends.  It's difficult though, after the initial excitement and activity of digging and rotavating and turning and weeding and planting, to just stand there looking at a patch of brown clumpy soil believing that it will be sprouting with vegetables.  Aside from the spinach shoots it doesn't look like anything's ever going to grow and I have to fight the temptation to lift up the top layer of soil to see if anything's happening underneath.

So now, all I can do is watch and wait, and keep nurturing the lettuce seedlings in the greenhouse and watering the tomatoes and peppers that sit alongside and hope that the sun shines and the frosts are finished and that the magic will happen with the other seeds as it is with the spinach.

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